Automation Consulting

Robotics and automation are dramatically reshaping the global economy. We help our clients identify the newest technologies to change the way they work. Our solutions harness data, and intelligence to deliver the right information where and when it’s needed. We help reinvent business operations through industrialized business process expertise, technology, advanced analytics, and data. From delivering faster customer service to better quality products and efficient operations, robotics and automation provide enormous value for organizations that adopt them at scale.

The Problem

The customer’s expectations continue to surge as digital disruptors alike raise the bar for personalised service often with an advantaged cost structure. As organisations struggle to adapt, and even to survive, they increasingly pursue initiatives to address margin strain and more demanding customer expectations.

As the pace of technological and market changes and digital disruption reshapes the modern business model, this sense of urgency has become the new norm.

Change is at hand.

Our Promise

We bring world-leading designers and technical experts to redesign the entire experience and radically improve the customer journey. Our solutions harness data, and intelligence to deliver the right information where and when it’s needed. We help re-invent business operations through industrialized business process expertise, technology, advanced analytics, and data. Designing an intelligent solution for superior business outcomes.

Industry 4.0 continues to advance with breath-taking speed, unleashing new capabilities, allowing technology to often drive operational improvement. Automation, advanced analytics, digital performance management, cloud computing, machine learning — all offer powerful and game-changing ways for organizations to achieve new heights in operational performance.

Recommended Technology Solutions Architecture:
  • Robotic Process Automation (a technology that mimics the steps of a rules-based, non-subjective process, able to consistently carry out prescribed functions and easily scale up or down to meet demand). Process automation can expedite back-office tasks in finance, procurement, supply chain management, accounting, customer service, and human resources, including data entry, purchase order issuing, creation of online access credentials, and/or business processes;
  • Artificial intelligence (AI);
  • e-Commerce and/or Digital Engagement Platforms;
  • Business Process Management (BPM) / Workflow;
  • Integration mechanisms such as Enterprise Service Bus (ESB);
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR);
  • Omni-channel.