Business Consulting

Analyzing Businesses is at the heart of what we do. Our approach is centered around understanding each client’s unique business requirements and objectives. We analyze an organization from various aspects including the Structure, Processes, enabling Technologies, Skills, Shared Values, and Staffing / Capacity.

The Problem

We often find that businesses operate like nine-year-old’s on a soccer field….. there’s a lot of activity and excitement with players clustered around the soccer ball like a swarm of bees, but when you look at the scoreboard no goals have been scored! Business is no different to a soccer team and it’s often by looking at these elements that we become successful and gain the competitive advantage.

Our Promise

So how do we get a team to score goals and win the game? What’s often required is to develop a strategy or game plan, and subsequently create the appropriate team structure (strikers, mid-fielders, defenders, in a 3-4-3 formation), ensure the correct skills in the correct positions, instil appropriate leadership, ensure empowering values, create efficient processes and side-line technologies proving Business Intelligence

By systematically and holistically addressing the above elements we help clients pave the way forward to their future success….. we provide the stepping stones…..

At Onix Business Solutions, we like to separate change from transformation. For us, change is a different way of doing. Doing what we do now, but doing it in a more efficient, productive, or quality-enhancing way.

Transformation on the other hand for us is a different way of being. It involves changes at the deepest levels of beliefs, values, and assumptions.