Business Process Engineering

We map Value Streams (end-to-end processes) viewed from the customer’s perspective into the organization (outside-in approach). We then analyze the Value streams and how they’re enabled by people and technology to generate value. This approach powers excellent customer journeys. When we track the end-to-end processes as a stimulus-response mechanism from the customer’s perspective, we avoid silos and systems operating in isolation. One of our key focus areas is to analyze how the end-to-end business processes and services can be digitized.

The Problem

Organizations are under pressure. Margins are stressed from all sides because of steadily rising labor costs and more intense competition. On top of that, today’s customers have high expectations from efficient interactions with organizations to convenientreliable and value for money product and service deliveries. The customer’s expectations continue to surge as digital disruptors alike raise the bar for personalized service often with an advantaged cost structure. As organizations struggle to adapt, and even to survive, they increasingly pursue initiatives to address margin strain and more demanding customer expectations.

While these cost pressures are not new, many organizations are still grappling with cost-reduction levers. Unable to pass on costs to their customers in this hypercompetitive environment, organizations are looking towards Onix Business Solutions to assist them to bolster margins.

So, if you’re concerned about the economic outlook, and if you get challenging questions from your board about the resilience of your organization’s performance, how do you best respond? It turns out that in times of crisis and in times of economic slowdown, not everybody fares the same. Those organizations that make the shift to an operating model which combines operations capabilities with digital technologies, one that can create value, lower costs, and improve customer experience, giving organizations an edge in a highly competitive landscape, are the ones that do well.

Transitioning to this new operating model can result in productivity gains of up to 30 percent, reductions in turnaround time, and growth.

Our Promise

We help organizations make the shift to the new operating model. How do we do it? We analyze the end-to-end processes (Value streams) and how it’s enabled by people and technology ( a key focus area is to digitize the end-to-end business processes and services) to generate value. This approach powers excellent customer journeys. In an era of consumerism, digital, and data disruption, we help our clients examine their business and operating models to find a solution that will enable a step-change in performance.

We bring world-leading designers and technical experts to redesign the entire experience and radically improving the customer journey. Robotics and automation are dramatically reshaping the global economy. We help our clients identify the newest technologies to change the way they work. From delivering faster customer service to better quality products and efficient operations, robotics and automation provide enormous value for organizations that adopt them at scale.

Digital capabilities such as automation, AI, analytics, cloud, and emerging new technologies are often used in our designs. Our solutions also harness data, and intelligence to deliver the right information where and when it’s needed. Onix Business Solutions helps reinventing business operations through industrialized business process expertise, technology, advanced analytics and data. We design intelligent solutions for superior business outcomes.

Our Approach

Our consultants work with our clients to collaboratively define the current (AS-IS) Value streams and then rethink and collaboratively redesign them (TO-BE) to improve overall efficiencies, effectiveness, and customer-centricity.

  • We map Value Streams (end-to-end processes) viewed from the customer’s perspective into the organization (outside-in approach). We view each stimulus/response mechanism from the customer’s perspective
  • When we track the end-to-end processes as a stimulus-response mechanism from the customer’s perspective, we avoid silos and systems operating in isolation. Our Value Streams, therefore, look at all the internal processes and interactions. Once we’ve mapped these journeys (end-to-end processes), we apply technologies and operations capabilities in a coordinated way, moving beyond the silos that prevent many organizations from achieving maximum impact. Our approach ensures employees collaborate effectively across business units, functions, and reporting lines. Being siloed prevents organizations from realizing the business impact.

As Industry 4.0 continues to advance with breath-taking speed, unleashing new capabilities at equally breath-taking speed, it’s all too easy for business leaders to succumb to relying solely on technology to drive operational improvement. Automation, advanced analytics, digital performance management, cloud computing, machine learning —all offer powerful and game-changing ways for organizations to achieve new heights in operational performance. But the costs and effort these technologies and platforms entail can often exceed their payoff. The expectations surrounding them, it turns out, are often inflated. Organizations need to focus as much on the other enablers such as people (role clarity and accountability) as they do on the Industry 4.0 technologies.

We’re firm believers of systems thinking and hence our comprehensive solutions (people, process, and technology) ensure long-term sustainability.  Systems thinking is a holistic approach to analysis that focuses on the way that a system’s constituent parts interrelate and how systems work over time and within the context of larger systems. The systems thinking approach contrasts with traditional analysis, which studies systems by breaking them down into their separate elements. Changing one part of the system affects other parts and the whole system, with predictable patterns of behavior.