Our Value Proposition

Innovate and become a mountain or shrink into a grain of sand

Onix Business Solutions is an Innovative & Creative Solutions Management Consulting company that delivers guaranteed bottom-line and top-line results through Product-, Process-, Technology- & People Innovation.

Our unique and fresh approach to business problem solving has seen us build lasting relationships.

  • Peter Drucker said: “Every organisation needs one core competence – Innovation
  • William Pollard said: “Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow”
  • Walt Disney considered creativity to be so important that he paid his creative staff more than he paid himself

The Problem…

We often find that businesses operate like nine-year-old soccer teams… there’s a lot of activity and excitement on the field and all the players cluster around the ball like a swarm of bees, but when you look at the scoreboard no goals have been scored…

Sustainable results are critical for us.

  • Many Operational Improvement Projects don’t deliver the expected benefits. A study of 115 large public companies revealed that the cost position in 37% of these companies worsened in the first year of the Operational Improvement program, and 70% of companies did not sustain their cost improvements over three years.
  • In a study conducted by a leading Consulting Firm, many countries productivity levels fall well below the optimum of 85%.

So how do we get a team to score goals and win the game?

Our Approach

What’s often required is to develop a strategy or game plan, and subsequently create the appropriate team structure (strikers, mid-fielders, defenders, in a 3-4-3 formation), ensure the correct skills in the correct positions, instill appropriate leadership, ensure empowering values, create efficient processes and side-line technologies providing Business Intelligence… business is no different to a soccer team and it’s often by looking at these elements that we become successful and gain a competitive advantage. By systematically and holistically addressing the above elements Onix Business Solutions helps our clients to pave the way to their future success… we provide the stepping stones… We deliver sustainable guaranteed bottom-line and top-line results through Product-, Process-, Technology- & People Innovation.

At the most basic level we guarantee the following:

  • Increased customer centricity
  • Increased revenue/ sales
  • Decreased operating expenses and Inventory

Our Promise

Our Promise Regarding Your Process

  • Volume throughput: 30% additional capacity created.
  • Turn-Around Times: 24% reduction
  • Risk Reduction
  • More accurate measure of estimates
  • Reduction in customer complaints of up to 25%
  • Rejected Claims Count – improved claim rejection of 7.5%

Our Promise Regarding Your People

Our promise to you – tap into the highest level of motivation of your employees.

Our approach will assist you to tap into the highest levels of motivation, creativity and productivity of your employees by creating a line of sight between what they do and your organizations aspiration and purpose.

What motivates?
In order to tap into the highest levels of motivation, creativity and productivity of the employees we need to understand what motivates them and whether their personal missions are in line with that of the organization.

Taking Care of People
Federal Express CEO, Fred Smith said: “Take care of our people, they in turn will deliver impeccable service demanded by our customers who will reward us with the profitability necessary to secure our future”.